Boosting Veteran support in Grimsby and Cleethorpes
The Grimsby and Cleethorpes branch of the RAF Association have received a funding boost from the Veterans’ Community Centres programme, to help better provide for the many Veterans they work with.

Veterans such as 102-year-old Stanley Edmunds (pictured centre), who served in the RAF during the Second World War and now receives support from the branch.
A great place to come!
From supper nights, to hosting the Cleethorpes Armed Forces Day – which attracted 80,000 visitors! – improved kitchen facilities now mean they can better cater for those they support.
Branch Chairman, Gavin Marshall told us: “The new kitchen will be a great asset to the Branch and the Veterans. We’re very grateful to the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust for the grant that will make such a difference to our branch members and Veteran community. We are really looking forward to providing more cost-effective events and functions and we expect our support for next year’s Armed Forces Day will be even better.”
Better provision – better support
The Veterans’ Community Centres programme seeks to improve these valuable buildings to ensure they remain used by Veterans and fit for purpose.
The Newark and District branch of the Association were pleased to be awarded funding to update the toilet facilities at the building, enabling greater access for elderly members.
Branch Chairman Bob MacCrea-Clifton said: “We will be able to welcome more individuals with mobility challenges to more events in the branch, during the day and in the evening. We would like to thank the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust for its very generous grant, it is very much appreciated.”
Could your Veterans’ community centre use a boost?
Do you know of a Veterans’ community centre in need of a boost? Funding can be awarded for any number of capital costs including building repairs, improved kitchen or toilet facilities, or internal refurbishment to make the space more usable. Just show us that your group either owns the building or holds a long lease (of at least five years), and that it is well-used by Veterans in your area.
Grants of up to £30,000 are available.