Support for Service women in latest Covenant Fund programme

July 25, 2024

We’re pleased to introduce the Service Women: Seen and Heard programme, part of our ongoing rollout of Covenant Fund launches.

Using feedback from our consultation findings, we designed this programme to ensure that women currently serving in the UK Armed Forces have improved access to targeted support into mental and physical health and wellbeing services.

What is the programme all about?

In our Covenant Consultation last year, you told us that ‘ensuring our Armed Forces communities are not disadvantaged’ was a key issue for us to focus on. Our consultation findings are available to read on our website.

The new programme will enable serving women to make informed choices and access services that enhance their health and wellbeing and increase accessibility to activities and support, leading to significant improvements to their quality of life.

Service Women: Seen and Heard will support projects which achieve one or more of the following outcomes:

  • Enabling Service Women to choose activities and or/find advice that improves their wellbeing, whether preventatively or at times of crisis.
  • Opening up choices for Service women who may not otherwise know where to seek help for issues which specifically affect them.

Organisations can either apply for a one-year grant of up to £50,000 or a two-year grant of up to £100,000.

Who can apply?

We’re inviting applications from registered charities, Community Interest Companies (CICs) and Armed Forces Units. Full eligibility details are available in our programme guidance document.

What type of project are we looking to support?

We want to support innovative approaches or projects with strong user participation in the design process. Projects should address the needs of serving women, including issues intensified from Service, and those where support is less accessible compared to civilian women.

If you apply for a grant, you will need to show us how your project will help improve access to targeted support for Service women enabling them to make informed choices.

The application deadline is 12pm on 25 September 2024. You will receive a decision before end of November 2024.

Find out more

You can find full details of this new programme, including full eligibility and how to apply, on our dedicated programme page.

We’ll be launching more Covenant Fund programmes in the coming weeks. Keep an eye on our website and social channels for more information…