New programme to focus on prevention of Veteran suicide

July 15, 2024

In the latest of a series of new Covenant programme launches, we’re pleased to announce the Embedding Prevention of Veteran Suicide programme.

Using key findings from the One Is Too Many programme we delivered in 2021, we want to support projects that will enable systemic change and long-term, sustainable impact in supporting Armed Forces Veterans with poor mental health, their families, and those who are caring for or supporting them.

What is the programme all about?

Through our Covenant Fund Consultation in 2023, we asked you to tell us what you thought should be a particular focus for the Covenant Fund over the next three years. Overall, the top response was to ‘help Veterans with significant mental health needs’. This Veteran-focused programme will address this aim by supporting projects that meet one or more of the following outcomes.

  • To support staff who work with vulnerable beneficiaries.
  • To address mental health wellbeing, help-seeking, and stigma within the Armed Forces community.
  • To address the needs of under-represented groups.

Our consultation findings are available to read on our website.

Organisations can either apply for a one-year grant of up to £50,000 or a two-year grant of up to £100,000, with the option to apply for enhanced funding in some cases.

Who can apply?

We’re inviting applications from registered charities and statutory organisations. Full eligibility details are available in our programme guidance document.

What type of project are we looking to support?

We are particularly seeking applications from organisations looking to collaborate with stakeholders and wider service providers, to widen the potential reach and benefits of your project and provide a common way which is safe, streamlined, Veteran-centred and holistic in nature.

This could include comprehensive training for staff and volunteers working with vulnerable Veterans. Or it might include work looking at and addressing the barriers to help-seeking this group of beneficiaries may face. Projects might instead tackle improving awareness and understanding of the issues faced by under-represented groups. There’s more detail in the programme guidance and it’s important that you read this carefully if you are thinking about applying.

Whatever your project, you’ll need to clearly show us how you have identified the need for your proposed work and that you have included the Armed Forces community in your project design.

There will be a single round of applications for this programme. The deadline for submission is 12 noon on 2 October. You’ll receive a decision before end of December 2024.

Find out more

You can find full details of this new programme, including full eligibility and how to apply, on our dedicated programme page.

We’ll be launching more Covenant Fund programmes in the coming weeks – keep an eye on our website and social channels for more information…