Researching the needs of the Royal Navy submariner community

Service Families February 2025

The Trust commissioned the National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) to undertake research into the needs of the Royal Navy submariner community and the impact of separation on family life.

Some of the challenges raised included:
  • Personnel and families can suffer poor mental health and emotional strain.
  • Extended family often not feeling included in the support networks available.
  • Low awareness of support available
  • Hesitancy in accessing statutory services affiliated with the Royal Navy, in case of impact on the submariner’s career.
  • Impact on the non-serving spouse’s career.
The report details several recommendations going forward, including:
  • Tailored mental health support
  • Improved communication and practical advice for managing deployment challenges
  • Fostering community connections and encouraging peer support initiatives
  • Help with adjusting post-deployment, and the complexities of being away for a long time
  • Initiatives that enhance career development for spouses.
The report is available to read and download below.
Further Reading