Tackling Serious Stress in Veterans, Carers and Families Programme open 1st October 2018
The consultation report for the New Ways to Tackle Serious Stress in Veterans, Carers and Families programme has been published, and the programme will be open for applications on 1st October 2018.
The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust ran a consultation to inform how the programme should be delivered and the types of projects that should be funded. The Consultation report is available. A total of 87 responses were received. Most of the responses were from charities that support the Armed Forces Community. There were some responses directly from veterans, and from family members of veterans, and there there was high levels of support for the concept of supporting carers through the programme.
The programme will open for applications on 1st October 2018. The full programme guidance will be available on that date. The programme will make grants to lead organisations; who will then work with delivery organisations. There will be an overarching evaluation. You can read more about the roles of the lead organisation and a delivery organisation.
We held an event on 14th September for organisations that are interested in the programme; and following this a Whats App group has been developed for interested organisations to network. If you would like to join the WhatsApp group please email enquiries@covenantfund.org.uk.
You can stay up to date with this programme by visiting our programme pages