Closing date: 08 Jan 2024

Funded by Veterans' Capital Housing Fund

Development Grants Programme

This programme will award grants of up to £25,000 to assist in the development of new build projects that will offer high quality support for Veterans with a housing need.

Apply by midday 8 January 2024

Grants of up to £25,000

Projects can last up to a year

Open to registered charities or registered social housing providers

You must be able to show that you work with veterans.

The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust is delivering the Veterans’ Capital Housing Fund on behalf of the Office for Veterans’ Affairs. The Veterans’ Capital Housing Fund supports projects that contribute to the wider aim of ending veterans’ homelessness by providing affordable and viable homes for Veterans.

Under this programme, the Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust will award grants of up to £25,000 on behalf of the Office for Veterans Affairs, towards projects that assist in the development of new build projects that will offer high quality support for Veterans with a housing need.

More programmes will open under this Fund later in 2023 for larger new build or major refurbishment capital projects.


To be eligible for this funding, you must be one of the following:

  • A registered charity that can show that it works with Veterans or
  • A registered social housing provider that can show that it works with Veterans

There is more detailed information about eligibility in the programme guidelines available below. This is a complex programme, and it is important that you read the programme guidance carefully before you apply.

What’s available

This is a development grant programme for capital projects that will offer high quality housing for rent to Veterans. You can apply for a grant to cover the costs of getting a building idea to the stage where on site works could start. Grants of up to £25,000 are available for projects lasting up to one year.

You can apply to this programme if

  • Your project is at an early stage of development; and
  • You require funding for professional support costs such as architects, qualified construction project managers or quantity surveyors to develop detailed building plans and cost assessments for projects that would provide additional capacity in services for Veterans who are at risk of homelessness.

If you would like to apply for funding to refurbish or extend accommodation for veterans, explore the Refurbishment grants programme where you can apply for grants of up to £75k for capital refurbishments projects lasting up to one year. You can find out more here

Themes and priorities

You should show us how your project will meet the aims of this programme which are:

  • To contribute to the aims of the Veterans’ Strategy’s ambition to end Veteran Homelessness by 2023.
  • To deliver sustainable, Veteran affordable and support housing and ensure Veterans have access to good quality housing, including housing at affordable rents, that meets their needs.

You should demonstrate how your development project aims to develop a viable and well-planned future larger scale capital project.

Dates and deadlines to note

This programme is now closed. There were two application deadlines this year:

  • If you applied by midday 23 October 2023, you’ll receive a decision before the end of December 2023.
  • If you applied by midday 8 January 2024, you’ll receive a decision before the end of March 2024.

Guidance and resources

Veterans' Capital Housing Fund - Development Grants programme guidance
Veterans' Capital Housing Fund - Development Grants programme frequently asked questions

We encourage you to take a look at the application questions before beginning your online application to the Development Grants Programme.

You can also view the terms and conditions to receiving a grant.

Application questions in Word

Please note, this is for reference only and applications can only be made via our online application portal.

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