February 8, 2024
This programme will award 10 significant grants to portfolios of projects, which will work regionally to develop better, more joined up lasting support for local Veterans with mental health needs.
This programme is not currently accepting applications
Since 2021, the Veterans’ Places Pathways and People (VPPP) programme has delivered under 10 country or regional portfolios, covering the whole of the UK, to develop better, more joined up lasting support for local Veterans with mental health needs.
The VPPP programme is funded through the Veterans’ Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund. It provides grants for the sustainable provision of places of safety and pathways of support across the United Kingdom.
The Trust awarded 10 portfolio grants, prioritising applications that clearly demonstrated a proven ability to take a co-ordinated and informed approach across their country or region. Grant holders have ensured that there are connected pathways which work well for Veterans; that there are safe places for Veterans to go which connect into these pathways; and that volunteers and staff who support Veterans have access to training and work closely with other organisations within Veterans’ mental health pathways.
The VPPP programme is reshaping Veteran support with a focus on seamless access to mental health services through dynamic collaboration.
A key success in the initiative so far has been the growth of collaborative cross-sector working among organisations that support Veterans. This provides a more seamless interface between statutory and charity or not for profit support.
The interim evaluation of the VPPP programme highlighted some key successes including:
Following the progress made so far under the VPPP programme, and with further backing from the Government with an additional £10 million pledged in November 2023 to continuing the programme over the next three years, the Trust has worked to leverage this success with continued delivery and capacity building amongst the sector.
Whereas the initial 2021-23 programme had a core focus on project delivery and activities, the next stages of the VPPP programme will look more closely at sustainability and long-term legacy.
While this will still include direct support for Veterans, there will be a renewed drive towards strategic and collaborative activity that will offer stronger pathways of support for Veterans and their families; delivering joined up sustainable support.
In March 2024, the Trust awarded development grants to the current portfolio lead organisations following extensive planning, discussions and a robust solicited grants process.
These initial grants will help maintain the excellent momentum this programme has built so far in making positive, tangible changes within the Veteran community.
However, the work doesn’t stop there, and a key aim for this programme going forward is to solidify the progress made, collaborations forged and impacts made, and continue along a self-sustaining path that will ensure the much-needed and well-used Veteran services remain.
The next steps for the portfolio lead organisations is to develop their work further. In the coming months we’ll be moving into the next stages of the VPPP programme, and the portfolio leads will be hosting a number of consultation events. These events are crucial in ensuring that evidence is gathered to enable each organisation to develop a robust strategic plan for their work with vulnerable Veterans over the next three years. These strategic plans will be collaborative; reflecting the needs of Veterans within the country or region that the portfolio is supporting.
We’ve asked each portfolio lead to ensure they are including each of their existing portfolio member organisations, as well as reaching out more widely to:
We will keep an updated list of all current consultation events below. Please check back regularly for updates and details of how to get involved.
March 2024: Capacity-building awards made to existing VPPP portfolio lead organisations.
April – June 2024: Regional portfolio leads conduct consultation events with Armed Forces organisations and wider organisations that support Veterans in the country or region that they are applying from.
In this section, we have included the original VPPP programme guidance and application resources for reference.
Below, you will also find links to further information about the progress made under the VPPP programme since 2021.
As we are given details of VPPP consultation events, we will list them below with relevant contact details. Please check back regularly for details of events in your region or country.
Country/Region | Hosting Organisation | Event time and date | Contact details | Further details |
Scotland – Edinburgh | Scottish Veterans Wellbeing Alliance | 16 April 1030-1400 | emma.gall@nhs.scot | Fingerprints co-production event. In person event. |
Scotland – Glasgow | Scottish Veterans Wellbeing Alliance | 22 April 1300-1530 | emma.gall@nhs.scot | Fingerprints co-production event. In person event. |
South East – Portsmouth | Veterans Outreach Support | 22 May 0930 – 1300 | keith.gilbey@vosuk.org | Veterans Consultation. In person event. Click here to register. |
North West | Armed Forces Community HQ | 4 June 1300-1430 | andrea@armedforceshq.org.uk | Open consultation for VPPP North West. Click here to register. |
London | The Poppy Factory | 13 June 1300-1430 | jimM@poppyfactory.org | Online event. |
Wales | Adferiad | 17 June 1200-1400 | neil.lawman@adferiad.org | Open consultation for VPPP in Wales. Click here to register. |
East of England | Bridge for Heroes | 18 June 1500 – 1615 | darren@thebridgeforheroes.org | For charities and organisations. Click here to register. |
North West | Armed Forces Community HQ | 20 June, 1000-1130 | andrea@armedforceshq.org.uk | Open consultation for VPPP North West. Click here to register. |
South East | Veterans Outreach Support | 10 July 1100 – 1300 | keith.gilbey@vosuk.org | Organisations Consultation. Online event. Click here to register. |
North West | Armed Forces Community HQ | 16 July 1000 – 1130 | andrea@armedforceshq.org.uk | Click here to register. |
North East & Yorkshire, and Midlands | Defence Medical Welfare Service (DMWS) | – | For a full list of events, please click the link on the right. | Click for event details |
Northern Ireland | Brooke House | – | For a full list of events, please click the link on the right. | Click for event details |