Enabling immediate support for vulnerable veterans with reduced social contact
In the March 2020 Budget, the Chancellor of the Exchequer awarded £10 million to the Veterans’ Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund. Of this £10 million award, £3 million of this funding was to be an emergency funding programme available immediately, focusing on alleviating suffering and loneliness for isolated veterans caused by restrictions due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Veterans Should Not Be Forgotten programme awarded 120 grants to organisations across the UK, totalling £2,394,698.
This programme evaluation explores the impact of the Veterans Should Not Be Forgotten programme on vulnerable veterans with reduced social contact.
Funding was available for up to £20,000 per organisation, for a six-month project.
Organisations fitting the following criteria were invited to apply.
- Age UK charities across the UK.
- Members of ASDIC.
- Cobseo members who were eligible for the funding.