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Veterans and carers Case Study Apr 2021

Venture Trust

The Positive Futures – Meteorite project, with just over £140,000 of funding from the Trust’s Ex-Forces in the Criminal Justice System (CJS) programme, has enabled the organisation to work with “hidden veterans” which includes early Service leavers, those discharged for poor conduct, those with an offending background or who are in the CJS and don’t want to identify as a veteran, and those who traditionally refuse to engage with what is seen as ‘charity’.

Programme Evaluations Service Families Veterans and carers Evaluation Report May 2021

LIBOR funding and its impact

This report explores the projects and organisations funded through the HM Treasury LIBOR Fund (HMT LIBOR Fund), the £35 million LIBOR Fund and the Veterans Accommodation Fund. Collectively, these funds distributed £578.2 million in 472 grants to 334 organisations between 2012 and 2017.

Delivering locally Delivering locally E-learning External engagement Sep 2021

West Yorkshire Armed Forces Covenant Leaflet

A leaflet containing fundamental information about the Armed Forces Covenant and providing contact details for Local Authorities and useful services and organisations.

Delivering locally Developing training packages and awareness raising material E-learning Sep 2021

Lancashire Housing Training Package

A 52 page presentation created in Partnership with the Royal British Legion that provides training specific to housing issues faced by the Armed Forces Community.