The Veterans’ Places, Pathways & People
The Veterans’ Places, Pathways & People Programme Brochure

This programme aims to:
- gives veterans safe, welcoming places to go in their local area
- supports veterans to access mental health support and treatment pathways that meet their needs
- ensures that the people who support veterans (staff and particularly volunteers) can access good quality training and can have better access to connect veterans into wider pathways
The programme has funded 10 Portfolio projects throughout the UK and four national strategic projects which work alongside the Portfolios.
Over the life of the programme, the Portfolio projects and national strategic projects will be working to deliver these outcomes; which aim to sustain beyond the life of the grant
- Veterans can find the support they need and access mental health and wellbeing services activities that are interesting and relevant to them
- When accessing activities, veterans are safe and can be supported to recover. They can be referred seamlessly to NHS or other services
- Veterans at higher risk of suicide or other risk relating to mental ill health can receive better cross-sector support
- Effective veteran-led projects are embedded in local care pathways supported by good partnerships
Download the brochure