The Impact Hub for VPPP Portfolio Leads and Partners

We would like all VPPP Portfolio Leads to use the Impact Hub as part of their grant management, and for all portfolio leads to encourage their partners to use the Hub if it is suitable for their particular project.

Why should VPPP leads and partners use the Impact Hub?

  • Both portfolio leads and partners will have a better understanding of the impact of the funded projects. Partners will have access to reports that track the improvement in well-being of those they are working with.
  • You could use the data you gather to strengthen your discussions with other funders. Some projects we’ve funded previously have used evaluation data from their project to access funding from other sources.
  • You can use the information to help you have better conversations with your beneficiaries about what they feel they have gained from your project and help them think about their ideas for the future.

Remember: The data provided by projects should only relate to the funding you’ve spent as part of the VPPP programme.

Projects should only ask those taking part to begin using the Impact Hub when they start using funding from the VPPP grant to support them.

Getting Started with the Impact Hub

It’s vital that the people you are working with understand that:  

  • they are in control of the information they add into the Hub      
  • they can choose not to use the Hub or not to answer certain questions
  • they can amend or revoke their consent for us to use the data they add to the Hub at any time.

Each VPPP Portfolio Lead will be responsible for adding details of each of their partner organisations to the Impact Hub:

  1.  Portfolio leads will tell us who will be the Administrator for your project. We’ll set up the account for that person. (They need not be the same person who is the main contact for
    the grant.)
  2. Once added by the portfolio lead, partner projects will then be able to access the Impact Hub online. They will automatically be sent the log in details.

Once a partner organisation has an Administrator account, they can also add extra people from that organisation, who are working directly on the VPPP funded project, who also need to access the Hub.

We have a comprehensive website page dedicated to the Impact Hub, and it is here that you will be able to find everything you need to get started once you have your login.

The website will provide:

  • Comprehensive first-time user training video
  • Further information on the Hub and survey sets
  • FAQs on using the Impact Hub
  • Testimonials from other organisations on how they have made the Hub work for them


The Trust welcomes feedback on the Impact Hub from VPPP Portfolio Leads and Partners. We operate a system of continuous improvement and are always looking for ways to make the Hub more accessible and user friendly. We have invested in a plan of development for this year to make the Impact Hub the impact measurement tool of choice for all Trust-funded projects, and to do this, we would love your help.

Perhaps you might like to join our user group? You will be the first to know about any changes to the Impact Hub and will get the opportunity to try them out first and let us know what you think. For further information, contact:

Find out more

We have created a useful guide which contains more detailed information about using the Impact Hub. This guide provides advice on when and how to use the Impact Hub and also explains how the Trust use the data you provide (including details about privacy and consent. You can download this guide below.