VPPP South West

Brighter Futures for Veterans
VPPP South West
Portfolio lead Invictus Games Foundation

“For us, VPPP South West is all about developing regional partnerships, developing our Beyond the Games reach, to support the military community.

Member Organisations of VPPP South West
  • HighGround
  • Mission Motorsport
  • Fighting With Pride
  • Woodland Warrior Programme
  • On Course Foundation
  • Walking With The Wounded – Head start Programme
  • Turn to Starboard
  • Armed Forces Community Support Hub – Devon
  • The Armed Forces Equine Charity

The Invictus Games are known worldwide for their dedication to Veterans, and are champions of helping with big challenges that wounded and sick Veterans face. With VPPP, Invictus are working with organisations from across the South West region, through their ‘Brighter Futures for Veterans Programme’.

Naomi Adie, Grants & Programmes Manager at The Invictus Games Foundation is excited about the potential of the partnership to make a long term positive difference “VPPP is going to better the lives of our Veteran community.”

They aim to do this by bringing a wealth of lived experience to provide better pathways of joined up help. Their knowledge base in the Southwest is already strong and with VPPP, they intend to build on this solid foundation.

“It is important that individuals, sat at home, can have varied options to get specific support they need. Through VPPP, we are arranging simple outreach drop-in facilities to enabling the community to be involved personal interest groups, such as motor sport or outdoor pursuit, which we know helps with their physical and mental wellbeing.

“This is especially important for hidden areas of the Armed Forces community that may have previously felt unrepresented and rejected, such as members of LGBTQ+ community, which is why the partnerships of Fighting With Pride is so important. VPPP will help to make first conversations a positive experience.”

Naomi highlights the importance of, “Opening corridors of communication and collaboration”, and the strategic benefits of joined up help from the local government, the NHS and their portfolio partners.

“The Invictus Games Foundation knows the value, and has ‘lived experience’ of understanding the needs of military life. It is this link that can help with good communication; and ensuring that Veterans have better access to support.

“There’s already a lot out there but without joined up support the community can feel unsupported. A key focus for the partnership in the South West is to ‘get people talking and sharing information’.

“It’s an exciting time for VPPP in the Southwest. Through the partnerships of those involved, the Invictus Games Foundation hopes to create a greater awareness of what’s available in the region, a sharing of best practice, a mentorship and most importantly, seeing Veterans on a pathway of joined up services.”

Veterans and carers Report Jun 2022

The Veterans’ Places, Pathways & People

The VPPP programme will award 10 grants to portfolios of projects, which work regionally to develop support for veterans.