Work for the Trust

The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust is a grant making charity, which supports the Armed Forces Covenant by funding projects which address specific priorities. To find out more about our work and the organisation, please explore our website 

This is an exciting time to join us at the Trust. We’re committed to learning from and sharing the achievements of our grant holders and the impact of our funding programmes.

An independent research partner is being sought to carry out research into the needs of the bereaved Armed Forces community, to help inform future grant programme development to provide support and address those needs.

For more information on the procurement, as well as the service specification, please see the following ITT documents:

Bereavement Research Invitation to Tender

Bereavement Research Contract

Clarification questions for Bereavement Research ITT

Budget: £41,655 (excluding VAT)

Duration of contract: 6 months

Deadline for submissions: 12:00pm, 15 July 2024

An independent research partner is being sought to carry out research into the needs of the submarine community in Helensburgh and elsewhere in the UK, particularly around the impact of separation on family life. The findings from this research will help to inform future programme development to provide support and address those needs.

For more information on the procurement, as well as the service specification, please see the following ITT documents:

Submariner Community Needs Invitation to Tender

Submariner Community Needs Contract 

Clarification questions for the Submariner Community Needs ITT

Budget: £50,000 (excluding VAT)

Duration of contract: 6 months

Deadline for submissions: 12:00pm, 19 July 2024

An independent evaluation partner is being sought to evaluate the Service Pupil Support Programme. The contractor shall carry out an in-depth evaluation which shall include an impact assessment and an economic evaluation.

For more information on the procurement, as well as the service specification, please see the following ITT documents:

Evaluation of the Service Pupil Support Programme Invitation to Tender

Evaluation of the Service Pupil Support Programme Contract

Clarification questions for the Service Pupil Support programme evaluation

Budget: £83,300 (excluding VAT)

Duration of contract: 2.5 years

Deadline for submissions: 12:00pm, 19 July 2024