Working to Establish or Develop Core Infrastructure

Learning From Local Authority Projects

Learning From Local Authority Projects : Working to Establish or Develop Core Infrastructure

Working to Establish or Develop Core Infrastructure is aimed at addressing the Core infrastructure set out in the Our Community Our Covenant report which researched ways of improving local delivery of the Armed Forces Covenant. Core infrastructure is split into 4 areas.

  1. Individual – Guidance on employing an Elected Member champion and employing an Officer point of contact within the council.
  2. Collaboration – Example of a Covenant forum and how to input this as well as good practice examples of terms of reference and structure.
  3. Communication – Help on how to set up a web page or online presence as well as statement on what member of the Armed Forces Community can expect from Local Authorities.
  4. Vision and Commitment – Guidance on action planning and how to tailor this to local needs.

The repository was designed so that future work on the Armed Forces covenant would develop rather than duplicate anything that has been created previously. This section will therefore provide processes or methods that can be lifted and used in your local authority.

Resource type 1

An example terms of reference for an Armed Forces champion, including example role responsibilities.

An example document which sets out aims and an agenda for a partnership meeting.

A comprehensive document explaining the Defence Employer Recognition scheme

This document addresses the accessibility of information to residents and examples of best practice that could be adopted in other areas.

Terms of Reference and profile descriptions

An example profile, purpose and role description for an elected member Armed Forces Champion produced by Portsmouth City Council.

Role and profile details for Armed Forces Champions.

Role and profile details for Armed Forces Covenant Lead Officers.

The repository was designed so that future work on the Armed Forces covenant would develop rather than duplicate anything that has been created previously. This section will therefore provide processes or methods that can be lifted and used in your local authority.

Resource type 1 – Resource Directory

A thorough 115 page report detailing action on the Armed Forces Covenant in the area. Whilst not adaptable for use elsewhere, the process for producing this kind of evidence could be adapted.

A comprehensive report detailing action on the Armed Forces Covenant in the area. Whilst not adaptable for use elsewhere, the process could be adapted and inspiration can be taken from some of the work produced in   the area.

A report of the impact of the Strengthening Covenant Delivery Programme 2017-2020. This provides recommendations for the future of the programme for the Solent Armed Forces Covenant Partnership.

Herefordshire Armed Forces Covenant Partnership annual review on the progress and delivery of the Covenants aims. Provides highlights from 2021 from different departments and future priorities.

Materials in this section will have information highly specific to the authority that produced it. Some work will be needed to adapt the material to tailor it to local need but much of the information may still be useful to all authorities.

Resource type 1 – Action Plans

An example action plan with some information from the Veterans strategy as well as some template areas for   adaptation. Contains a timeline and example strategy outcomes.

An example action plan with some information from the Veterans strategy as well as some  templates areas for   adaptation.

Blank template action tracker that may be useful for partnership style delivery of the Armed Forces Covenant.

An Action Plan that can be adapted and used as a template alongside a timeline.

An Action Plan without content that can be adapted and used as a template.

A blank template that can be adapted for use.

Resource Type 2 – Terms of reference and Profile descriptions

Terms of Reference for a programme board acting as a strategic lead to deliver the covenant.

Terms of Reference for an operations group designed to support members of the Armed Forces to access services and support. Includes an example of potential membership organisations

An example two page document setting out broad responsibilities for topic leads.

Resource type 3 – Reports

Annual Reports, produced by the Sub-Regional Armed Forces Covenant Partnership (SRAFCP), and sets out what   has been achieved working together across the region, to deliver their commitments to the Armed Forces   Covenant.

Resource Type 4 – Websites

Example websites that can be used for inspiration by other local authorities

Resource Type 5 – Toolkit

A toolkit which commissioned alongside Citizen’s Advice that could be adapted for use in other areas. Focus is placed on engaging the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector.

Resource Type 6 – Self-assessment

Self-assessment tool to reflect on how an authority might assess its status in delivering the Covenant (developing, established or embedded). Covers the following areas: basics, internal and external communications, and collaboration and clarity of focus.

A local standards assessment template that covers key actions across all significant policy areas.

This section will focus on work that has been done that is judged to have been selected on clarity and accessibility in this area of work. This will provide examples to inspire new ideas for local authorities as well as providing benchmark examples of specific practices.

An example action plan with some information from the Veterans strategy as well as some template areas for adaptation. The action plan covers a large amount of important outcomes and potential strategies.

A revamped 5 year strategic plan for the Dorset Armed Forces Covenant Programme developed from the Dorset Armed Forces Covenant Programme Action plan.

Comprehensive Terms of Reference for a programme board acting that covers the major areas of a partnership and leadership agreement.

An Action Plan without content that can be adapted and used as a template. It contains 16 themes that cover the major policy areas related to the Armed Forces Covenant.

A toolkit which commissioned alongside Citizen’s Advice that could be adapted for use in other areas. Comprehensive engagement advice for authorities looking to work with the Voluntary, community and social enterprise sector.

This repository has been designed to be a useful library of resources for any local area to be able to use. There is understanding that not all Local Authorities are as advanced in their armed forces work as many of the SDP grantees.

This section is dedicated to helping Local Authorities build the groundwork in understanding the local armed forces environment.

An example action plan with some information from the Veterans strategy as well as some template areas for  adaptation. The action plan covers a large amount of important outcomes and potential strategies that would be useful for an authority looking for areas to do work in.

A revamped 5 year strategic plan for the Dorset Armed Forces Covenant Programme developed from the Dorset Armed Forces Covenant Programme Action plan.

Comprehensive Terms of Reference for a programme board  that covers important fundamental areas of a partnership and leadership agreement.

An Action Plan without content that can be adapted and used as a template. It contains 16 themes that cover the major policy areas related to the Armed Forces Covenant.

A  useful toolkit that would help to establish contact with Voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations for a local authority looking to begin working in this area