


April 27, 2022

Force for Change programme

This programme will award grants of up to £15,000 for community projects that reduce isolation and promote integration in local Armed Forces communities.

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Afghanistan Veterans Fund



February 10, 2022

Supporting comradeship, connectiveness and engagement with veterans: Army Regimental, Corps, Headquarters and Associations

Grants for projects to build comradeship with veterans from recent conflicts

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Afghanistan Veterans Fund



December 13, 2021

Afghanistan Veterans Fund

The Afghanistan Veterans’ Fund aimed to increase capacity in services and initiatives offering supportive comradeship, engagement and wellbeing efforts for those in the Armed Forces community impacted by events in Afghanistan, and the wider Veteran community.

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Veterans' Places, Pathways and People



May 28, 2021

Veterans’ Places, Pathways and People programme

This programme will award 10 significant grants to portfolios of projects, which will work regionally to develop better, more joined up lasting support for local veterans with mental health needs.

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May 4, 2021

Supporting Armed Forces in Acute Hospital Settings programme

Jointly funded by the Covenant Fund, NHS England and NHS Improvement, this programme supports a small number of pilot projects that will try better ways of supporting Veterans and their families when they are in a hospital setting.

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April 30, 2021

Sustaining Delivery of the Armed Forces Covenant programme

The Sustaining Delivery programme provided continuation funding to enable Local Authority clusters funded under the Strengthening Delivery of the Covenant programme to conclude their work; delivering longer term changes that enable better access to local services and support for people from Armed Forces communities.

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February 16, 2021

Sustaining Support for Armed Forces Communities programme

This programme awarded grants of up to £100,000 for existing charitable projects to help charities to sustain activities and services that people from Armed Forces communities use and value.

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September 17, 2020

The NAAFI Fund

The NAAFI Fund makes grants to UK Armed Forces bases, located in the UK or overseas, for projects that improve the quality of life for serving personnel and serving families living on or near a Forces base or station.

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One is Too Many



August 27, 2020

One is Too Many

Part of the Veterans’ Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund, the One is Too Many programme awarded grants of up to £300,000 to two-year projects that aim to reduce suicide risks within vulnerable veterans in a co-ordinated and targeted way.

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Tackling Loneliness Programme: Programme name on an abstract background featuring red and blue colours:



July 27, 2020

Tackling Loneliness programme

The Tackling Loneliness programme addressed social isolation by targeting specific groups within the Armed Forces community who are traditionally harder to reach.

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