NAAFI Fund Reopens for 2022/2023

We’re thrilled to announce the fantastic NAAFI fund has reopened for 2022-2023!
The NAAFI Fund has already distributed over £1.9million to the British Armed Forces units to fund projects that improve the quality of life for British Armed communities personnel all over the world
Steve Marshall, NAAFI CEO, said this about the new round of funding…
“It’s been a privilege to seen how the NAAFI fund has benefitted our Armed Forces communities around the world. The focus, to date has been on physical and mental health and wellbeing. The local teams delivering the projects have worked incredibly hard to provide social spaces, or facilities and equipment to help get people outdoors and active or to bring communities together. This in turn, has helped to reduce isolation and enhance the lived experience, not only those involved but those who benefit from the projects long after they are delivered. We are absolutely delighted to be part of that community effort”
Anna Wright, Chief Executive of the Trust said “We are delighted to work with NAAFI to open this year’s funding programme; and look forward to supporting some more excellent projects that make a real difference to the lives of our serving personnel and their families“

What’s available?
In this third round, grants of up to £25,000 are available and excitingly, NAAFI are also looking for a few exceptional larger projects that exceed this £25,000 cap.
When should I apply?
To have your application considered in this round, you need to have been provided a NAAFI Log number by 25th May 2022. Following this, you’ll need to have your application to us no later than midday on 13th June and can expect a decision by end of August The NAAFI Fund page is here
Our new ‘Step by Step’ guide to help with the process of applying
At the Trust, we want to make applying for a NAAFI Fund grant as smooth as possible. We have a new dedicated section on our website about the process of applying for a NAAFI Fund grant; that takes you through the process, step by step…

Boosting benefits to the Armed Forces Community
If you are looking for ideas and inspiration, take a look at some of the previous projects and to see where the funding has gone. Over 160 projects have already been supported under the NAAFI Fund programme. One award of £9,500 grant from the NAAFI Fund, went to the team at NATO, Norway. They have been able to purchase a pre-loved small vessel – or ‘snekke’ as it is known locally, complete with safety equipment for the military community to use.

For Armed Forces families living in Norway, the chance to use the snekke, to explore the surroundings as a group or a family gives a some really boosting benefits, relaxing a busy mind, learning boat-handling skills, wild-life spotting or enjoying a change of surroundings for a couple of hours.
One family noted; ‘It’s so restorative getting out on the water, because the Norwegian lifestyle is so different from the UK, things like going out for a Sunday roast is something that doesn’t exist, so being able to hire the snekke for an afternoon is an absolute tonic’.
A focal point to keep the children entertained

Another NAAFI Fund grant awarded £20,000 for a soft play creation in Episkopi, Cyprus. For many military communities they can often find themselves living away from amenities and the convenience of an urban setting. The busy station at Episkopi has over 2,000 serving personnel, families, civil servants and MOD staff within its boundaries and the need for indoor space for children to cool down and parents to take cover is a prime consideration.
One family member noted; ‘One of the reasons that the play area is proving so popular is because we are at a remote location, other military establishments in Cyprus have access to the facilities here, and with no immediate family living close by, friends take on the role of baby-sitting to give each other the chance to attend a doctor’s appointment or to have a break, it has become a focal point to keep the children entertained’.
During the summer months families can get out of the heat, rehydrate and keep younger members of the family amused.’
If you are considering applying for a NAAFI grant, go to our mini-website to learn all about the process and what to consider before completing an application form.
Then take a look at the NAAFI Fund page where you will find all the dates and details that you need and the application button.