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Service Families Veterans and carers Case Study Mar 2021


This project has enabled the creation of a network of trained carer support officers and volunteers within the military community. These individuals deliver on base training and support for carers, building resilience, enabling self-support and reducing dependency.

Programme Evaluations Service Families Veterans and carers Delivering locally Evaluation Report May 2021

Armed Forces Covenant Fund: Local Grants programme evaluative report of the first three years

In the first three years of the Armed Forces Covenant Fund: Local Grants programme, the Trust award 430 grants worth £7 million to Armed Forces community projects.

Delivering locally Aug 2021

Herefordshire Role Profile Topic Leads

An example role profile for Topic Leads that have been developed for members of the Herefordshire Armed Forces Covenant Partnership to lead a particular topic, such as healthcare, education, business and community, and is closely linked to the Terms of Reference.

Delivering locally Developing training packages and awareness raising material E-learning Sep 2021

Charnwood Armed Forces Community Covenant Raising Awareness Training

A comprehensive training resource designed for frontline staff that covers the issues affecting the Armed Forces Community nationwide.

Delivering locally E-learning Working to establish or develop core infrastructure Oct 2021

Telford & Wrekin – Armed Forces Covenant Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Sector Toolkit

A toolkit which commissioned alongside Citizen’s Advice that could be adapted for use in other areas. Focus is placed on engaging voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations